Activities and Calendar
Euchre & Eat-Out Dinners
The second Saturday night of the month is dinner and Euchre. A place for dinner is selected and listed on the calendar in the newsletter. Members meet at 4:30 p.m. to eat and then return to the Center by 6:30 p.m. to play Euchre. Sign-up sheets for our Eat-Out dinners are at the Center.
Our craft members meet on Tuesdays from 9:00 am to noon and make various projects.
Cardio Drumming
Our cardio drumming class is a fun way to exercise to music.
Pool League
Pool League play dates will be on the calendar.
Line Dance
Line dancing is held on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.
Mah Jong, Euchre, Hand & Foot, Bunco, Five Crowns and Bridge
Consult the calendar for days and times. Please check with the person in charge of each game to make sure there is a spot available.
Please consult the calendar and newsletter for other activities and Lunch & Learns.
Regularly Scheduled Events
10:00 am - Exercise to DVD
1:00 pm - Mah Jong, Every Monday
10:00 am - Crafts, Every Tuesday
1:00 pm - Ladies Euchre, 1st Tuesday
10:00 am - Line Dancing, Every Wednesday
10:00 a.m. - Exercise by DVD
10:00 am - Quilting Group
2:00 pm - Board Games (check calendar)
1:00 pm - Parkinson's Support, 2nd Wednesdays
10:00 am - Trustee Meeting, 2nd Thursday
12:00 pm - Carry-in Lunch, 2nd & 4th Thursday
2:00 pm - Young at Art, Every Thursday
9:30 am - Billiards, Every Friday
10:00 am - Woodcarving Class (check calendar)
Winter Weather Closing Information
If the Tipp City Schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Tipp Monroe Senior Center will be closed.
Building Rental
The dining room and kitchen facilities are available for rent. Please call the office for more information, rental rates and date availability.